
Caregiver stress- What do I do about it? pt. 3

Sometimes as a caregiver, you have to make tough choices. Molly always hosted the family Christmas get-together, and she loved it. She was all about family and celebrating. For weeks and even months ahead, she baked and shopped, decorated and planned. It wasn’t a chore. The anticipation of the event and the looks of pleasure

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The small miracle of beauty in the midst of crappiness

I’m tired of winter.(I hear you cheering. I know I’m not alone.) I’m tired of leaving early to clean off the car, worrying about digging myself out of the parking lot at the train station, and layers of clothes. I’m sick of “Oh nuts, I left my mitts drying at work.” and “How can I

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Caregiver stress- What do I do about it- pt. 2

The thing about caregiving, is that even when the physical demands aren’t difficult (such as when someone else is doing the physical care) the emotional demands are huge. How do you deal with watching deterioration in someone you love? How do you keep up with a constantly changing situation? How do you do this without

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Caregiver stress- What do I do about it?- pt. 1

Just like there are all kinds of caregivers, there are many forms of caregiver stress. You may be experiencing only some of the symptoms. Perhaps your stress is more emotional than physical. You worry about the future, you wonder how this is affecting your family. You want to scream when the same question is asked

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Caregiver stress- pt. 2- How do I know if I have caregiver stress?

The Alzheimer Society is a great resource for caregivers, even if you aren’t dealing with Alzheimer’s. Their information about caregiver stress is excellent and practical, and I am going to borrow their bullet points, but add my own commentary. * Denial Denial of the disease and denial of the stress are both common. “She isn’t

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Caregiver Wednesdays- Why I am a Caregiver- pt. 3

When I started working with the elderly, I knew nothing. I didn’t know much about older people. I am the youngest grandchild on both sides. With multiple siblings in both my parent’s families, there were many grandchildren, and by the time I came along, the grandparents were elderly and coping with their own issues. I

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