Carepartner Wednesday–The Carepartner’s Alphabet–R

R is for roles, because yours is changing. And staying the same. At the same time. Chances are, you have a specific role with your loved one. You are the sister, the daughter, the friend, the son, the husband or the wife.You are comfortable in this role, and although you may seldom think about it,

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Carepartner Wednesday–The Carepartner’s Alphabet–Q

Q is for questions. The same questions asked over and over again. And again. It’s common among people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, to ask the same question (or set of questions) repeatedly. Wise is the care partner who looks for ways to both understand and cope with this. The alternative is a

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Carepartner Wednesday–The Carepartner Alphabet–P

P is for purpose. “Food and shelter can be withheld, but meaning is something others cannot deny us. Regardless of our life situations, as humans we are always seeking meaning.” 1 Without purpose, life is flat. It’s a series of obligations, where we trudge through each cold, grey day. Nothing matters. Purpose brings colour and

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Carepartner Wednesday–The Carepartner Alphabet–O

O is for overwhelmed. What does overwhelmed look like for the care partner? It’s the daughter dealing with her mother’s anxiety disorder who can receive twenty calls a day. Fifteen of them are overnight. Nothing she does or says calms her mother down. She hears the same questions and the same worries over and over

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Carepartner Wednesday–The Carepartner’s Alphabet–N

N is for normal. What is normal? In 1998, Patsy Clairmont first told us Normal is Just a Setting on Your Dryer. What a relief it was to learn that it’s okay to not fit into society’s little box. It was freeing at the time, yet we still seek “normal” in our lives. Normal changes. When

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Carepartner Wednesdays–The Care Partner’s Alphabet–M

M is for memory. And memories. Alzheimer’s and dementia is all about memory. Lack of memory, how to stimulate memory, retrieve lost memories and work with the memory that is left. In the context of the disease, memory (and the lack of it) is the enemy. There are huge amounts of fear associated with memory

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Carepartner Wednesday–The Carepartner’s Alphabet–K

K is for knowledge. Knowledge is essential. When you first start on the care partner journey, you realise how little you know about so many things. If there is a disease involved (such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s) you want to find out as much as you can about it. Causes, treatments (medical and non-medical) progression

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