
Palliative Care: Quality of Life or End of Life?

“Everyone on this floor is palliative.” My jaw dropped open as I processed what the nurse said. I scanned the hall, and saw elderly residents living life. A few sat in the dining room enjoying afternoon tea from china tea cups and chatting. One rushed, with her walker, to get to her memoir-writing class.  A […]

Palliative Care: Quality of Life or End of Life? Read More »

What Is “A Good Death” And Is It Possible To Achieve?

The two police officers grinned as they patrolled this section of beach. It was seldom busy on a weekday, and given the cloudy weather, only a few families visited, scattered through the area. What caused their grin wasn’t the moms with their toddlers, but the elderly gentleman stretched on a lounge chair with a beach

What Is “A Good Death” And Is It Possible To Achieve? Read More »

Why Death Scared Me and How I Learned to “Do Death” Better

Nine and a half years ago, I wrote my first blog. I pondered what I should discuss as I dove into the unknown waters of blogging. What topic would draw readers and create the audience I looked for? Death. I wrote about death. Before you question my sanity, let me clarify that in the blog

Why Death Scared Me and How I Learned to “Do Death” Better Read More »