I love to beat the system.
By that, I often mean spending far less (or nothing) on something that’s supposed to cost me a fortune. Two of the world’s cutest baby overalls, one for each new grandchild, fall into this category. The fabric was given to me by someone downsizing, and its primary colours of red, yellow and blue giraffes made me swoon. I did have to buy the pattern, but will probably use it again for the jumper version it contains, and each pair of overalls would have cost me about $30 if purchased. It might have cost me $6 to make them. Wham! The system beat.
Recently, I realized in our present isolation I was barely driving. I tracked my mileage for two weeks and presented it to my insurance company, and they lowered my rates. Score!
Could we beat the system this COVID Christmas? I’m not referring to finances, but to attitude. Yes, missing parties and fun times and family and friends hurts. Spend some time grieving and then determine that you will beat the system this Christmas and find ways to create joy.
The first Christmas
I can imagine there were times Joseph shook his head, wondering how he was so blessed. A fair bit older than Mary, just a simple carpenter, he had won the heart of this beautiful young girl. Then everything turned upside down in a moment. Mary told him about her pregnancy. Imagine his despair as he watched his dream circling the drain. He tried to figure how to take care of things quietly so Mary isn’t disgraced. Most men of that time would have had her stoned. Then an angel came to him in a dream and explained everything. Joseph was to marry Mary and he would be the earthly father to the Messiah. Joseph’s dream had been returned to him, but hugely changed. Talk about needing to trust God.
Of all the characters in the first Christmas story, no one was more impacted than Mary. Only a young girl with stars in her eyes, her angel visitor shook every aspect of her life. Pregnant out of wedlock? The baby would be from the Holy Spirit. How did that work? She would be mother to the Messiah! As the implications of each of these proclamations washed over her, she had the best response possible. “I am the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say.” Luke 1:38. Wow.
Your Christmas
So how do you beat the system this Christmas-different-from-all-others? For me, it all comes down to one principle, which can be manifested in so many ways: give.
I’ve had times in my life when I became, of necessity, the recipient of people’s giving. Because of this, any time I’m able to give, I feel so much joy. It takes me away from myself and whatever pain I am feeling and brings me to that very fun place where I can bless others. Here are a few suggestions:
- Do you have a relative or friend in long-term-care who you are missing? Send a donation so a special treat can be purchased for those who are working Christmas day. Mark it as from your “person” and they will get special visits as staff say “thank you.”
Send some Christmas baking to a neighbour. Or if you don’t think they’d be comfortable with that, buy some special, fancy cookies and leave them on their porch.
- Do you have a fire pit? Choose a mildish day and invite someone over to visit. Provide blankets, hot chocolate and socially distant conversation.
- Do you know someone who will be alone Christmas Day? Use the internet to connect with them, or land on their doorstep with a plant, a mask and a short visit.
- Did you know, if you Skype or Zoom and put the other person/people on a large-screen TV, it’s just like they are in the room? Have your meal together.
Merry Christmas, everyone! I mean it. Even though your celebration and the world is upside down at the moment, go forth choosing the joy of the Season!
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