Caregiver Wednesdays- Changing Roles in Caregiving

My parents were leaving for a road trip out west, and Dad asked me if I would take Mom shopping in preparation for their journey. She needed some camisoles and other items he wasn’t comfortable shopping for. Mom had mid-stage Alzheimer’s and couldn’t go on her own. In the dressing room, as I helped her

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Caregiver Wednesdays- The change no one is expecting

We’ve talked about change in the caregiver situation this month. The fast change (such as a stroke, or a fall with a broken hip) that blindsides you and changes everything overnight. The slow change (such as the progression of Alzheimer disease) that is insidious and catches you unawares as it sneaks up on you and

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Caregiver Wednesday- Strategies for Coping with Change

Slow change. You’ve had a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s for your mother. There were changes that led you to the decision to take her to the doctor, so you had suspected, but it was shocking to hear. You needed to make changes. You entered the new role of caregiver, and began to do things like taking

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