
What 81% of Canadian Elders Want and How Technology Can Help

     Greta knew that her kids wanted to talk with her, and it scared her. She had guessed their concerns for her mobility, her safety and the fact that she still lived in the house they’d grown up in would be the topic of conversation.       They sat around her kitchen table, and […]

What 81% of Canadian Elders Want and How Technology Can Help Read More »

How to Cope When Bubble Wrap Isn’t an Option

 Sarah couldn’t get the picture of her mom lying on the floor in the kitchen out of her mind. The fall hadn’t been serious; there’d been minimal damage. But Sarah’s mind and even her dreams kept crowding with what ifs. What if she hadn’t come to visit that day? What if Mom had laid there

How to Cope When Bubble Wrap Isn’t an Option Read More »

How to Respectfully Create a Safer Environment

On Friday, Sarah experienced the nightmare every care partner dreads. She came over to her mom’s apartment to find her on the floor. Fortunately, she’d only slipped down as she tripped over a kitchen mat about ten minutes before Sarah arrived. Her bottom had received most of the impact, and other than a large purple

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