
What 81% of Canadian Elders Want and How Technology Can Help

     Greta knew that her kids wanted to talk with her, and it scared her. She had guessed their concerns for her mobility, her safety and the fact that she still lived in the house they’d grown up in would be the topic of conversation.       They sat around her kitchen table, and […]

What 81% of Canadian Elders Want and How Technology Can Help Read More »

5 Ways Technology Can Help the Other 10%

Gladys didn’t understand the appeal. Her friends had fancy phones which did all kinds of things besides make phone calls. They did their banking without leaving the building. Was that even safe? They got their groceries and other things delivered and talked to some weird guy called “Siri.” All these things scared and confused her,

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5 Ways Technology Can Enhance the Life of Your Elder

It wasn’t that long ago… “When my mother moves downstairs, will the right cables be in the room to connect her desktop?” In our facility, with independent living, assisted living and care, this elder had moved into care. Beginning to settle in, her family was in the process of moving her belongings out of her

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Practical Ideas to Bring Your Elder to the Party (Or Bring the Party to Them!)

The general consensus was that we were nuts. “You’re going camping? With elders?”  We did. We called it a “camping experience,” in that we stayed in a totally accessible double cabin. We took a nurse, PSWs, and so much staff we were almost one-to-one. The average age of the elders with us was 90. One

Practical Ideas to Bring Your Elder to the Party (Or Bring the Party to Them!) Read More »

Social Isolation, Elders and the Joy of Technology

The world grinds to a standstill. Roads remain empty, transit systems echo, churches provide online services only. Stores which are still open display hand sanitizers at every corner and mask-wearing customers lurk and disappear. Our present reality. Confined to quarters, staying home, forcing this virus to die the death of having no host. Isolated, we

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