
Care Partner Stress–How to Crush it During the Pandemic

Sheryl had read about caregiver stress. She knew the signs–feeling overwhelmed, tired all the time, sad, no interest in activities she used to like, and more. She’d experienced them all at some point. Dan had good days when life seemed almost normal, but their number had shrunk, and she struggled to transition from her role […]

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How To Be An Amazing Care Partner–Even When You Fail

Raise your hand if you’ve ever experienced “mommy guilt.” Every hand of every mother reading this should be raised. It’s that common. Some of us experienced it every day. Consider this scenerio: It’s your 5-year-old’s birthday, and although you were up several times in the night with a teething baby, you got up early to

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How to Help with Wandering, Aggression and Anxiety

If there was one thing Dorothy knew for sure, it was that walking was good. Several years ago, her husband had a heart attack, and when he recovered, the doctor had said walking would change his life. So they walked. Every day, hand in hand, for hours. But now, in the throes of advanced dementia,

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How to Triumph Over Toxic Behaviour in Dementia

John was a “frequent flyer” in my work area. Able to propel his wheelchair down the hall from where he lived to our neighbourhood, his favourite activity was to create havoc in our dining room. He’d move from table to table, touching dishes and cutlery with hands which had been everywhere. John wasn’t popular–that’s an

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How to Keep From Emotionally Drowning This Pandemic Winter

It’s time to get specific! As I plan for a mentally healthy winter, I need to do some introspection. What I discover won’t be the same for you, but the process is similar. Look at what matters to you, large and small, and what you can and can’t control. Then fill your life with what

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How To Increase Empathy While Staggering Through Life

I always dread the winter. I’m not exactly a snow hater, and I recognize its beauty as long as I’m not driving or commuting through it. There’s something cozy about a fireplace and a book. But I struggle with two aspects of winter–lack of light and the absence of colour. Each year I stage mini

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Stress: How to Survive the Pandemic With Your Sanity Intact

You’re learning something new, something you’ve never tried before. Let’s say it’s French. What’s more, it wasn’t your idea. Your job requires it and although it wouldn’t be your choice, feeding your family isn’t an option, so you need to acquire this new skill. You gather every piece of support you can find in order

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Like the Frog in the Pot, Are You About to Vaporize?

Everyone knows the illustration of the frog in the pot, right? The frog lounges in water in the pot and the heat is increased ever-so-slowly until the frog boils to death. A sad end to Freddie Frog. Have you ever wondered what was going through the frog’s mind (assuming frogs can think–I haven’t actually researched

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